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Logo von Magic Bavaria
Zwei tanzende Mädchen im Disko-Raum


Only in our Radio Gong Upside-Down Disco can you dance upside down on the ceiling!

Just come in, put on headphones for the perfect sound, select your favorite Radio Gong stream using the green button - and the party starts! Radio Gong 96.3 is YOUR radio station in Munich and the region: current topics, the best tips for Munich and the most music!


1. Put on a pair of headphones.

2. Use the green button to select your favorite Radio Gong stream.
3. Record a video of yourself dancing and celebrating.

4. Edit your video and rotate it 180 degrees.

→ And now you're dancing on the ceiling!

Zwei tanzende Mädchen im Disko-Raum
Zwei tanzende Mädchen im Disko-Raum

Magic Bavaria Upside-Down-Museum at MONA Shopping Center, 1st basement 

Pelkovenstraße 145

80992 Munich


Phone: +49 89-9275-2713

4,5 Sterne auf Tripadvisor

© 2024 Magic Bavaria GmbH

Opening hours

Mon/Wed/Thur/Fri: 11 am - 7 pm (during vacations already from 10 am)

Sat: 10 am - 8 pm

Sun: 10 am - 7 pm

Public holidays: see below "HOLIDAY OPENING HOURS"

Tue: closed (open during vacations)

On weekends and during vacations, we recommend buying tickets online in advance.

Pls. contact us at regarding events. 



Adult ticket: from 19,90€ p.P.*

Reduced ticket: from 14,90€ p.P.*

Group ticket: from 17,90€ p.P.*

Family ticket: from 59,90€ (4 persons)**

*Higher ticket prices at weekends and during vacations.

**During family times (Mo-Fr till 3 p.m. except during holidays), own children up to 5 years old do not pay admission

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