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Our Munich fundraising campaign: Together for Artists for Kids


2025 began for us at Magic Bavaria with a special cause close to our hearts: our Munich for Artists for Kids fundraising campaign! With your support, we were able to raise €1,000 to support disadvantaged young people in our city.

Die Gründerinnen von Magic Bavaria überreichen lächelnd einen Check an das Team von Artists for Kids
Übergabe unserer Spende an das Team von Artists for Kids um Andrea Primus

An angel, Instagram and a common goal

Perhaps you know our photo backdrop, which is inspired by the Munich Angel of Peace. This is exactly where our #magicangel4kids fundraising campaign started. For every photo uploaded to Instagram with this hashtag, we donated €1 to Artists for Kids. In addition, small shopping cart angels were available to buy in our museum store. The proceeds from each angel went 1:1 to the youth aid project. Together, these small gestures made a big difference: together, we were able to collect donations worth €1,000 for 2024 and set an example for solidarity in Munich. Our founders Susanne and Verena ceremoniously handed over the check to the Managing Director of Artists for Kids, Andrea Primus, at the beginning of January.

Why we are committed

The Munich Adventure Museum is not just about impressive photo spots or fascinating illusions. We also want to make a contribution to our city. Culturally, for example, by exhibiting works of art by regional artists. And for the people and the solidarity that makes Munich so special. With the fundraising campaign, we want to set an example and show that everyone can make a difference - be it through a photo, a purchase or by supporting an important message. For us at Magic Bavaria, supporting social projects such as Artists for Kids and at the same time creating a platform for cohesion and cultural exchange is a matter close to our hearts.

How you can be part of the campaign

Our Munich fundraising campaign continues and you can easily support it:

  • Share a photo: use our photo spot at Magic Bavaria and upload your picture to Instagram with the hashtag #magicangel4kids.

  • Buy an angel: You can still find our little shopping cart angels in the museum store. Every purchase donates €1 directly to Artists for Kids.

  • Spread the word: the more people know about the campaign, the more we can achieve together.

Ein kleines Mädchen steht vor den Flügeln der Friedensengel-Kulisse und lächelt.
Unser Engel-Fotospot im Museum

About Artists for Kids - Creativity as a path to the future

Artists for Kids has been supporting children and young people in difficult life situations since 1999. The initiative was launched by film producers Bernd Eichinger and Thomas Peter Friedl and focuses on creative approaches to open up new perspectives for young people. This year they are celebrating their 25th anniversary!

Whether it's about achieving important school qualifications, starting an apprenticeship or promoting individual talents - Artists for Kids helps young people to find their way. For us as Erlebnismuseum München, which focuses on creativity itself, it is a special concern to support this project. As part of our collaboration, the young people from Artists for Kids can visit our museum free of charge on project days.

Einige Jugendliche von Artists for Kids haben im Bällebad im Magic Bavaria Spaß
Artists for Kids project day at Magic Bavaria

More than just donations: Workshops for the future

Our commitment does not end with the fundraising campaign. We organize workshops for young people. These focus on topics such as cell phone photography and media literacy - important skills in an increasingly digital world. Our aim is not only to give young people new knowledge about Bavaria, but also to encourage their creativity - whether it's through photography, posing or our workshops.

Making a difference together

Join in and be part of the Munich fundraising campaign! We look forward to creating something magical together. Tickets for the Munich Adventure Museum are available online or directly from us on site. Have fun!


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Magic Bavaria Upside-Down-Museum at MONA Shopping Center, 1st basement 

Pelkovenstraße 145

80992 Munich


Phone: +49 89-9275-2713

4,5 Sterne auf Tripadvisor

© 2024 Magic Bavaria GmbH

Opening hours

Mon/Wed/Thur/Fri: 11 am - 7 pm (during vacations already from 10 am)

Sat: 10 am - 8 pm

Sun: 10 am - 7 pm

Public holidays: see below "HOLIDAY OPENING HOURS"

Tue: closed (open during vacations)

On weekends and during vacations, we recommend buying tickets online in advance.

Pls. contact us at regarding events. 



Adult ticket: from 19,90€ p.P.*

Reduced ticket: from 14,90€ p.P.*

Group ticket: from 17,90€ p.P.*

Family ticket: from 59,90€ (4 persons)**

*Higher ticket prices at weekends and during vacations.

**During family times (Mo-Fr till 3 p.m. except during holidays), own children up to 5 years old do not pay admission

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